
2.3.0 released and 400k downloads

Posted Feb 5, 2013, 2:42AM by William Ferguson

We released 2.3.0 tonight and it's looking good, very good indeed.

And on top of a great release we also reached another milestone! Lexathon had it's 400,000th download yesterday and to celebrate we're giving away the Pro Version upgrade for only $1.99 for the next 2 weeks. So if you've been sitting on the fence, now is the time to get in.

The changes for this release are:

  • Massive improvement in start times when you have many dictionary exclusions
  • Sharing scores at end of game is now to any installed social media + Facebook
  • Added "Facebook share that works" to share app and score
  • Dictionary update - 'root' makes a return as well of plenty of additions and some removals
  • Much improved layout of the settings, dialogs and notifications
  • Fixed several layout and other bugs
  • Added debug preferences
  • Translated to Dutch (thanks Henri Mulder!)
  • Translated to Korean (thanks Leonardo YongUk Kim!)

Remember, contact if you run into any problems. We're here to help.


Posted Dec 21, 2012, 4:23PM by William Ferguson

We get to celebrate today because aside from the fact that the world didn't end (you were counting on that weren't you), Lexathon has ticked over the 350k download mark!

That's all, oh and we've released a new video too which is much flashier than any of the previous ones. We're pretty stoked about it anyway :-)

Lexathon 2.2.0 released

posted Dec 2, 2012, 6:52AM by William Ferguson

XandarMob have released their latest version of Lexathon word jumble. For those living under a rock Lexathon provides hours of addictive and educational fun in which you have to find as any words as possible in a limited time. Finding a new word buys you more time, so the sharper you are the longer you play.

Release Notes:

  • Added ProVersion in-app purchase (for no-ads)
  • Added 'Root word' to word definition dialogs
  • Added Rejected/Unfound word tabs with Include/Exclude/Review popups
  • New portrait layout. Switch back to old view via a User Interface preference
  • Upgraded dictionary
  • Long press on dictionary to remove/review word
  • Translation to Italian: courtesy of Antonio Di Gioia
  • Fixed words appearing in both found and rejected words
  • Fixed several crashes

Lexathon 2.1.0 released

Posted Sep 14, 2012, 2:24AM by William Ferguson

That's right, XandarMob has released version 2.1.0 of Lexathon. New to this release is timerless mode for a more leisurely game play.

You can get it .. well by clicking on one of the icons to the right.

Release notes:

  • Timed and untimed modes
  • Reduced chance of accidentally excluding a word
  • Updated dictionary
  • Added Russian translation - thanks Mariya
  • Removed crashes caused by external libraries

200,000 downloads and version 2.0.1 released

Posted May 20, 2012, 12:03AM by William Ferguson

This version patches in some of the dictionary changes being made by you guys in our quest to get a well rounded dictionary.

Lexathon's dictionary was composited from a number of online sources and then run through several filters to remove proper names, esoteric, archaic and abbreviated forms, as well as dialectical variants. The aim to provide a dictionary that everyone could feel they had a reasonable chance of knowing most of the words but wide enough to provide a bit of a challenge and some education. I think we have largely succeeded but we intend to keep on improving it by curating those words you add/remove to your Lexathon dictionaries.

Full release notes below:

  • Added preferences to ignore news and update notifications.
  • Stopped notifications that were causing Overview Activity to start twice.
  • Improved dictionary - added 17 words, removed 6 based on user dictionary changes.
  • Fixed error reading news for Android 2.1 and below.